Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


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Seminars & Exams

Mon 20 Sep
10:15-11:15 | Aud. D3
Nielsen Lecture by Stanislav Smirnov (Section de mathématiques, Université de Genève)
Title: Discrete Complex Analysis and Probability
Mon 20 Sep
10:15-11:15 | Aud. D3
Nielsen Lecture by Stanislav Smirnov (Geneve)
Title: Discrete Complex Analysis and Probability
Mon 20 Sep
13:15-16:15 | Aud. D1
PhD Defense by Dan Beltoft (2010)
Title: Limit Shapes and Fluctuations of Bounded Random Partitions
Tue 21 Sep
16:15-17:15 | Aud. D3
Seminar by Peter Zograf (V.A. Steklov Mathematical Institute)
Title: Fatgraphs, convex polytopes and intersection theory on moduli space of curves (after P. Norbury)
Tue 28 Sep
16:15-17:15 | Aud. D3
Seminar by Nariya Kawazumi (University of Tokyo)
Title: The Goldman Lie algebra and Kontsevich's ''associative'' formal symplectic geometry
Wed 29 Sep
14:15-15:15 | Aud. D3
Seminar by Sergey Arkhipov (University of Toronto)
Title: Twisting functors on the category of modules over the quantum group and semi-infinite