Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


Masterclasses & conferences

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Seminars & Exams

Wed 06 May
16:15-17:15 | Aud.D3 (1531-215)
Seminar by Pavel Safronov (Oxford University)
Title: Quasi-Hamiltonian reduction and its quantization
Wed 13 May
16:15-17:15 | 1531-215 (Aud. D3)
Algebra seminar by Rudolf Tange (Leeds University)
Title: The centre of the restricted enveloping algebra of gl_n and related matters
Wed 20 May
15:00-16:00 | 1531-215 (Aud. D3)
Seminar by Pavel Putrov (Caltech)
Title: Fivebranes and 4-manifolds
Wed 20 May
16:15-17:15 | Aud.D3 (1531-215)
Seminar by Rudolf Tange (Leeds University)
Title: Highest weight vectors and transmutation
Wed 27 May
16:15-17:15 | Aud.D3 (1531-215)
Seminar by Arjen Baarsma (Utrecht University)
Title: Elliptic deformation problems
Fri 29 May
16:15-18:30 | Aud. D1
Award ceremony and presentation by Signe Agerholm Clausen and Henning Haahr Andersen
Topic: Coinvariant rings and Demazure operators