Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


Masterclasses & conferences

Mon 23 Mar
09:00-16:00 | Aud.D3 (1531-215)
Masterclass by Ivan Loseu (Northeastern University)
Title: Quantized quiver varieties

Seminars & Exams

Wed 04 Mar
15:15-16:15 | Aud.D3 (1531-215)
Seminar by Paolo Ghiggini (University of Nantes)
Title: Holomorphic cthulhus and cultist maps
Wed 11 Mar
15:15-16:15 | Aud.D3 (1531-215)
Seminar by Marco Freibert (Aarhus University)
Title: The boundary behaviour of the left-invariant Hitchin and hypo flow