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Seminars & Exams

Wed 06 Apr
14:15-15:15 | (1531-119) Aud. D2
Seminar by Peter Gothen (University of Porto)
Title: Holomorphic chains, Higgs bundles and the indefinite unitary group
Thu 07 Apr
14:15-15:15 | 1531-219 (Aud. D4)
Seminar by Qingtao Chen (ETHZ, Zurich)
Title: Congruence relations, Cyclotomic Expansions and Volume Conjectures
Thu 07 Apr
15:30-16:30 | 1531-219 (Aud. D4)
Seminar by Gergely Berczi (University of Oxford)
Title: GIT for positively graded groups and applications
Fri 08 Apr
10:15-11:10 | 1531-119 (Aud. D2)
Seminar aimed at a general audience by Qingtao Chen (ETHZ, Zurich)
Title: Two generalizations of the original Volume Conjecture
Fri 08 Apr
11:15-12:10 | 1531-119 (Aud. D2)
Seminar aimed at a general audience by Gergely Berczi (University of Oxford)
Title: Reductive versus non-reductive group actions and moduli spaces
Mon 11 Apr
10:15-11:15 | 1531-113 (Aud. D1)
Seminar aimed at a general audience by Cristiano Spotti (University of Cambridge)
Title: Compact moduli spaces of Kähler-Einstein Fano varieties
Mon 11 Apr
11:15-12:10 | 1531-119 (Aud. D2)
Seminar aimed at a general audience by Andriy Haydys (University of Bielelfeld)
Title: The Seiberg-Witten equations
Wed 13 Apr
14:15-15:15 | 1530-215 (Aud. D3)
Seminar by Cristiano Spotti (University of Cambridge)
Title: Existence of weak Kähler-Einstein metrics on Q-Gorenstein smoothable Fano varieties and applications to the moduli problem
Wed 13 Apr
15:30-16:30 | 1530-215 (Aud. D3)
Seminar by Andriy Haydys (University of Bielefeld)
Title: A compactness theorem for the Seiberg-Witten equations with multiple spinors in dimension three
Thu 14 Apr
17:00-18:00 | 1530-215 (Aud. D3)
Seminar by Martin Schlichenmaier (University of Luxembourg)
Title: $N$-point Virasoro algebras considered as Krichever-Novikov type algebras

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