Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2018.05.25 | Positions

New position for Gabriele Rembado

Gabriele has accepted a joint postdoc position at ETH Zürich and University of Geneva

2018.05.18 | Press release

QGM researchers selected for ICMP 2018 in Montréal

QGM Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, Roberta Iseppi, and Center Director, Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, has been selected to give talks at the International Congress of Mathematical Physics (ICMP) 2018 in Montréal.

2018.05.16 | Publication

Asymptotic properties of the Hitchin-Witten connection

J.E. Andersen and A. Malusà present new results on arXiv

2018.05.16 | Publication

Local models for conical Kähler-Einstein metrics

C. Spotti and M. de Borbon present new results on arXiv