Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2018.11.14 | People

Roberta Iseppi is developing her project in Toronto

Recently Roberta Iseppi received an offer for a 6-month postdoc position at Univ. of Toronto to work with Professor Matilde Marcolli.

2018.11.13 | Publication

Resurgence Analysis of Quantum Invariants: Seifert Manifolds and Surgeries on The Figure Eight Knot

Jørgen E. Andersen & William E. Petersen present new results on arXiv

2018.11.09 | Publication

Applications of the moduli continuity method to log K-stable pairs

Cristiano Spotti presents new results on arXiv.

2018.11.09 | Publication

Toric geometry of Spin(7)-manifolds

Thomas Bruun Madsen & Andrew Swann present new results on arXiv.