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2013.04.29 | Events, IT, computer science and mathematics , Public/media

First joint conference at IHÉS

QGM has supported it's first conference outside Aarhus University: The conference "Moduli Spaces and Macromolecules" at Institut des Hautes Études Scientifique (IHÉS) in France, 14-18 May 2013.

Picture: Subhojoy is presented with the 2000 DKK and a handshake by the price sponsor from ACTUA, Helge Jensen

2013.04.09 | Awards, Public/media, Staff

Poster award goes to QGM-postdoc Subhojoy Gupta

Subhojoy Gupta won the poster award of 2000 DKK at the EMS/DMF Joint Mathematical Weekend 5-7 April at Aarhus University. The poster was selected by the Scientific Committee of the event. The Scientific Committee consisted of: Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen (Aarhus Univ. DK), Jeremy Gray (Open Univ. UK), Jesper Grodal (Copenhagen Univ. DK), Laurence…

2013.04.03 | Conference, Public/media

EMS/DMF Joint Mathematical Weekend

QGM helps organize European Mathematics event at Aarhus University