Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

QGM seminars


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Thu 27 Jun
10:30-11:30 | 1531-215 (Aud-D3)
QGM seminar by Ronan Conlon (Florida International University)
Title: Classification Results for Expanding and Shrinking gradient Kähler-Ricci solitons
Thu 27 Jun
09:15-10:15 | 1531-215 (Aud-D3)
QGM seminar by Gregory Edwards (University of Notre Dame)
Title: The Chern-Ricci flow on primary Hopf surfaces
Wed 29 May
13:15-14:30 | 1531-215 (Aud-D3)
QGM seminar by Andrea di Lorenzo (Scuola Normale  Superiore, Pisa)
Title: Equivariant intersection theory and moduli of curves
Wed 22 May
13:05-14:05 | 1531-113 (Aud-D1)
QGM seminar by Erica Minuz (Aarhus University)
Title: Graph cohomologies and rational homotopy type of configuration spaces
Mon 20 May
13:15-14:15 | 1531-219 (Aud-D4)
QGM seminar by Timothy Logvinenko (Cardiff University)
Title: Perverse schobers and orbifolds
Thu 16 May
16:15-17:00 | 1531-215 (Aud-D3)
Introductory seminar by Timothy Logvinenko (Cardiff University)
Title: Perverse sheaves and Riemann-Hilbert correspondence
Fri 10 May
14:15-15:15 | 1531-215 (Aud. D3)
QGM seminar by Lorant Szegedy (MPIM, Bonn)
Title: Invertible 2-dimensional framed and r-spin topological field theories
Wed 08 May
10:15-11:15 | 1531-119 (Aud. D2)
QGM seminar by Ivan Cheltsov (University of Edinburgh)
Title: K-stability of asymptotically log del Pezzo surfaces
Tue 07 May
16:15-17:00 | 1532-218 (Koll-G3)
Introductory seminar by Ivan Cheltsov (University of Edinburgh)
Title: How to compute delta-invariant of Fano varieties?
Thu 02 May
15:15-16:15 | 1531-215 (Aud-D3)
QGM seminar by Ingmar Saberi (University of Heidelberg)
Title: Holomorphic twists in families and holomorphic symmetries

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