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Arxived article on DT invariants

Artan Sheshmani presents a new result with his collaborator on arXiv

2019.09.09 | Jane Jamshidi

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Associate Professor Artan Sheshmani has jointly with his international collaborator Amin Gholampour submitted a new result on arXiv entitled "Donaldson-Thomas invariants, linear systems and punctual Hilbert schemes".

Here they study certain DT invariants arising from stable coherent sheaves in a nonsingular projective threefold supported on the members of a linear system of a fixed line bundle. When the canonical bundle of the threefold satisfies certain positivity conditions, they relate the DT invariants to Carlsson-Okounkov formulas for the "twisted Euler's number" of the punctual Hilbert schemes of nonsingular surfaces, and conclude they have a modular property. 

Link to the paper on arXiv: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1909.02679.pdf
