Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Seminar by Shehryar Sikander (AU)

Title: 1-parameter families of compact Riemann surfaces

2014.06.17 | Jane Jamshidi

Date Thu 26 Jun
Time 11:15 12:15
Location 1531-113 (Aud. D1)


We introduce a (complex) one parameter family of compact Riemann surfaces and study an ordinary differential equation of Fuchsian type on this parameter space. We present the solution of this equation in terms of iterated integrals. We then show how this ODE is related to the Hitchin connection over this parameter space, and how the solutions give the monodromy for the Hitchin connection. This relation with Hitchin connection relies on the fact that the parameter space is a Teichmueller curve. This is joint with J. E. Andersen and N. L. Gammelgaard.  
