Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

QGM Nielsen retreat 2017

Annual retreat for employees and close associates of QGM held at Sandbjerg Estate.

2017.08.24 | Christine Dilling

Date Fri 17 Nov Tue 21 Nov
Time 15:30    18:00
Location Sandbjerg Estate

PROGRAM for 2017

In keeping with tradition, the annual QGM Retreat is held at Sandbjerg Estate four days in the fall (17-21 Nov.). This is an event of both academic and social significance, and it is exclusive to QGM employees and close associates. Academically, it is a great opportunity for junior and senior researchers to network. Mornings and afternoons are reserved for seminars, at which presenters share their most recent results and discoveries, inviting discussion and feedback from their fellow researchers. Evenings make a perfect setting for relaxation and social interaction which are crucial for the overall sense of unity amongst Centre members.

Participation is free of charge and includes travel as well as local expenses (accommodation and all meals will be provided). Please send an e-mail to qgm@au.dk if you wish to participate including a title/abstract and your preliminary itinerary.  

The programme will be made when participants have signed up. Everyone is expected to give a talk (PhD students in a group of fellow PhD students). 

Transportation from Aarhus
Common bus transport will be arranged from QGM, Aarhus University (2 hours by bus).

Departure from Aarhus: Friday 17 Nov. at 3:30pm. We will meet in the parking lot in front of building no. 1530.
Return from Sandbjerg: Tuesday 21 Nov. at 4pm. 

Meals at Sandbjerg Estate

  • Breakfast 8.00-9.00
  • Lunch 12.00-13.00
  • Dinner 18.00-19.00
  • A special dinner is arranged for Sunday evening (19 Nov.)

Further coffee/tea/fruit/cake will be served during the day. 

How to find Sandbjerg Estate
Pictures from Sandbjerg Estate

Further travel information
The flight company Alsie Express is flying directly to Sønderborg (SGD) from Copenhagen (CPH) - (45 min). This is the easiest way to get to Sønderborg (12 km from Sandbjerg Estate). We believe that you should book this flight as soon as possible as it is a domestic flight route with few seats. The alternative Airports (Billund (BLL) and Aarhus (AAR)) both have a transportation time to Sandbjerg of approx. 3 hours.  

Travel planner for domestic travel in Denmark

List of participants

Jørgen E. Andersen (QGM)
Cristiano Spotti  (QGM)
Du Pei  (QGM/Caltech)
Roberta Iseppi (QGM)
Tobias Kildetoft (QGM)
Martin de Borbon (QGM)
William Petersen (QGM)
Andreas Brun Skovbakke (QGM)
Alessandro Malusà (QGM)  
Sebastian Ørsted (QGM)
Yuki Koyanagi (QGM)
Simone Siclari (QGM)
Giovanni Russo (QGM)
Kenneth Rasmussen (QGM)
Kelli Francis-Staite (Oxford)
Aaron Brookner (UC Berkeley)
Mykola Dedushenko (Caltech)
Gaetan Borot (Bonn)
Nezhla Aghei (Hamburg)
Yang Huang (Uppsala, Sweden)
Gergely Bérczi (QGM)
Richard Wentworth (Maryland)
Omar Kidwai (Oxford)
Qiongling Li (QGM/Caltech)
Calvin McPhail-Snyder (UC Berkeley)
Nuno Romao (Göttingen)
Gabriele Rembado (Paris Sud)
Tina Kanstrup (Bonn)
Paolo Masulli (DTU, Denmark)  
Gus Schrader (Columbia University)  
Sergey Arkhipov (QGM)
Dasha Poliakova (HSE, Moscow)
Jane Jamshidi (QGM) - Monday only
Christine Dilling (QGM) - Monday only
Mette Bjerre (QGM) - Monday only






