Qiongling continues her research at Nankai University in China
2018.04.06 |
Qiongling was employed at QGM in August 2015 in a three-year postdoc position shared with Caltech. She has recently been offered a position as an associate research fellow at the Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University in China and is starting the position in the fall (2018).
Chern Institute of Mathematics (CIM) was founded through the initiative of the late Professor Shiing-Shen Chern, who was also the first director of the Institute until 1992. CIM is an open research institution. Its goal is to push forward the development of pure and applied mathematics, to promote the mathematical research in China, and to improve communication between mathematicians.
The research interest of the faculty members at CIM covers a wide range of subjects, including differential geometry, nonlinear analysis and symplectic geometry, algebraic geometry, number theory, partial differential equations, operator algebra, coding theory, cryptography, information theory and mathematical physics. The Theoretical Physics Division in the Institute was founded in 1986 by the Nobel Prize laureate Chen Ning Yang.