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New employed professor receives AUFF starting grant - DKK 2.73 million

Aarhus University Research Unit (AUFF) is supporting Gergely Bérczi who joins QGM, Department of Mathematics in a permanent associate professor position.

2018.07.26 | Christine Dilling

From 1 August 2018 QGM, Department of Mathematics will benefit from Gergely Bérczi's highly esteemed mathematical expertise and the AUFF has decided to support his project Geometry and Topology of Non-reductive Moduli Spaces. The main goal of the research is to apply and develop the non-reductive GIT theory in certain applications, focusing on questions coming from mathematics and physics.

Off to a great start
Gergely started his career with a renowned joint paper with his thesis advisor Andras Szenes published in Annals of Mathematics. He finished his PhD thesis at Budapest University of Technology in 2008, where he also received a number of prices and Fellowships during his graduate studies. 

Early career
After his thesis Gergely got a three year postdoctoral position at University of Oxford funded by The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). At Oxford he started a collaboration with Frances Kirwan on non-reductive group actions in algebraic geometry. They construct quotient spaces through generalising Mumford's reductive geometric invariant theory for non-reductive group actions and study the topology of these non-reductive moduli spaces with applications. These applications involve problems in invariant theory, singularity theory of maps (Thom polynomials), hyperbolic varieties (the Green-Griffiths-Lang conjecture) and enumerative geometry (counting singular curves and hypersurfaces).

Gergely continued his stay at Oxford University from 2011- 2016 as a Tutorial Fellow in the Christ Church College.  

In 2016 he held a position at the ETH Zürich, where he worked in the group of Professor Rahul Pandharipande, before he decided to accept the permanent associate professor position at Aarhus University.   

Research interests
Gergely focuses on the following research areas:

  • Algebraic Geometry
  • Algebraic Topology
  • Symplectic Geometry
  • Nonreductive group actions and non-reductive GIT with applications
  • Global singularity theory and Thom polynomials
  • Invariant theory and the Popov-Pommerening conjecture
  • Hyperbolic varieties and the Green-Griffiths conjecture
  • Enumerative geometry
  • Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces and in higher dimensions and curve counting.   