Title: Quantum Schur-Weyl correspondence, quantum groups at q=0, and categorification of 0-Schur algebras
2015.04.14 |
Date | Wed 22 Apr |
Time | 16:15 — 17:15 |
Location | 1531-215 (Aud. D3) |
We recall the classical Schur-Weyl duality and interpret it in terms of cohomology of partial Flag varieties. Next we recall Springer correspondence for GL(n) following Ginzburg and Vasserot: we realize quantum affine Schur algebras as equivariant K-groups of the corresponding Steinberg type variety.
We consider Gl(n)-orbits in the variety of pairs of d-step flags in the standard n-dimensional vector space. Following Jensen and Su we introduce the generic convolution algebra and compare it to a quotient algebra of the q=0 version of the quantum group for gl(n) due to Thibon at all.
We replace combinatorics by geometry and define the affine 0-Schur algebra as the corresponding equivariant K-group with convolution product. We prove a version of Schur-Weyl duality in this setting.
Finally we define quasi-coherent Schur category with the monoidal structure given by convolution and prove that q=0 Serre relations hold in it without passing to the level of Grothendieck groups.