Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Seminar by Geordie Williamson

Title: Local Hodge theory of Soergel bimodules

2014.04.14 | Christine Dilling

Date Wed 30 Apr
Time 14:15 15:15
Location Aud. D3


I will discuss work in progress which establishes the local hard Lefschetz theorem and Hogde-Riemann bilinear relations for Soergel bimodules. The proof is similar in spirit but trickier than the global case (which was the subject of the master class at QGM last year). I will discuss some interesting new phenomena that arise, in particular the difficulty of describing the "hard Lefschetz locus". A corollary of local hard Lefschetz (using work of Soergel and Kübel) is an algebraic proof of the Janzten conjectures.

