Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Seminar by Feng Luo (Rutgers)

Title: Rigidity of the hexagonal triangulation of the plane

2015.08.03 | Jane Jamshidi

Date Wed 05 Aug
Time 16:30 17:30
Location Aud. D2 (1531-119)


As part of his conjecture on the convergence of circle packing to the Riemann mapping, Thurston conjectured that the hexagonal circle packing of the plane is rigid. Thurston's conjecture was established by Rodin and Sullivan in 1987. With J.Sun and T. Wu, we show the counterpart of Thurston's conjecture holds for the hexagonal triangulation of the plane. This is a part of a conjecture on the convergence of a discrete uniformization theorem to the Riemann mapping.
