Title: Monodromy of the Hitchin fibration
2017.04.12 |
Date | Wed 19 Apr |
Time | 16:15 — 17:15 |
Location | 1530-325 (Aud. D3) |
Abstract: The moduli space of Higgs bundles was shown by Hitchin to be an algebraically completely integrable system. In particular, the moduli space admits a fibration by abelian varieties, the famous Hitchin fibration. In this talk I will describe the monodromy of the SL(n) Hitchin fibration. The monodromy is given by a structure known as a skew-symmetric vanishing lattice, which is a skew-symmetric analogue of a root system. If time permits I will describe an application to counting components of character varieties.
AaDAG seminar: Aarhus Differential Algebraic Geometry seminar