Title: Link invariants and orbifolds
2018.01.22 |
Date | Thu 05 Apr |
Time | 13:15 — 14:15 |
Location | Aud. D2 (1531-119) |
Abstract: The braid group of type A is the classical group of braids in three-space, and constructions à la Reshetikhin-Turaev or à la Khovanov are well-understood and beloved invariants of the associated links. However, the story is way more delicate outside of Coxeter type A, where even the underlying topology is ill-understood. In this talk I will explain in an (hopefully) elementary way how certain Coxeter groups are related to braids and links in orbifolds, and our rst steps towards invariants à la Reshetikhin-Turaev/Khovanov for such links.