Title: Variational approach to the Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence and the Quot-scheme limits
2019.01.09 |
Date | Fri 01 Feb |
Time | 14:15 — 15:15 |
Location | 1531-215 (Aud. D3) |
The Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence states that the existence of Hermitian-Einstein metrics on a holomorphic vector bundle is equivalent to an algebro-geometric stability condition, and was proved by Donaldson and Uhlenbeck-Yau. Their original proofs were based on technical and sophisticated applications of nonlinear PDE theory. We present some results that clarify variational aspects of the Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence for smooth projective varieties; they are based on the theory of Quot-schemes in algebraic geometry and rely much less on analysis. Joint work with Julien Keller.