Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

QGM seminar by Niels Martin Møller (Copenhagen University)

Title: Translating Solitons and (Bi-)Halfspace Theorems for Minimal Surfaces

2018.10.08 | Jane Jamshidi

Date Wed 28 Nov
Time 14:15 15:15
Location 1531-219 (Aud. D4)


I will present new results on the classification problem for complete self-translating hypersurfaces for the mean curvature flow. Such surfaces show up as singularity models in the flow (along with other types of solitons, e.g. the self-shrinkers), and have been studied since the first examples were found by Mullins in 1956.
Examples from gluing constructions show that one cannot easily classify such solitons - nor can one classify their projections to one dimension lower, nor their convex hulls. But if one does both of these "forgetful" operations, the list becomes very short, coinciding with (and implying) the one given by Hoffman-Meeks in 1989 for minimal submanifolds: All of R^n , halfspaces, slabs, hyperplanes and convex compacts in R^n. This also implies several of the known obstructions to existence, e.g. for convex translating solitons.
This is joint work with Francesco Chini (U Copenhagen).
