Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Conference July 2015

New developments in TQFT

2014.12.11 | Jane Jamshidi

Date Mon 27 Jul Fri 31 Jul
Time 09:45    16:00
Location Aud.D1 (1531-113), Department of Mathematics, Aarhus University
Registration has closed
20 years after

The historical background for the conference "New developments in TQFT" is the seminal work of Vaughan Jones and Edward Witten.

First Jones defined his knot polynomial based on his tower construction in von Neumann algebras in the mid 80'ties.

About five year later Witten proposed, using Feynman path integral, a quantum field theory formula for the Jones polynomial and a whole new field was created, which now goes under the name Topological Quantum Field Theory (TQFT), due to work of Jones and Witten and further to Reshetikhin and Turaev who provided the first mathematical construction of the whole TQFT.

In 1995 there was half a years institute activity at Aarhus University, where one of the workshops was devoted to the subject. This subject has since then grown considerable and it is a very active field today.

The conference "New developments in TQFT" will bring all the world leading experts in this field back to Aarhus University 20 years after the first conference and it will be focused on all the new developments this rapidly changing field is currently experiencing.

Some of the major developments are the contact between this field and hyperbolic geometry of three manifolds initiated by Thurston and now established by Perelman and a number of Thurston's students, including the volume conjecture and the AJ conjecture of Gukov and Garoufalidis and Le; Khovanov's categorification program, which has seen tremendous success and is still developing further with the nearing goal of providing a categorification of the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev TQFT; non-semisimple TQFT's; recent developments within Chern-Simons theory for complex gauge groups and analytic extensions of the original one for compact gauge groups; integrality within TQFT in sense of Ohtsuki, Garoufalidis, Masbaum, Gilmer and Habiro; Relations to Hitchin's connection and quantization of moduli spaces; relations to Topological Recursion. - The conference will address all of these new developments. 


POSTER JULY 2015Poster July 2015

POSTER JULY 1995Poster July 1995


Social programme
Monday 27/7 at 6pm: Social networking incl. supper. Free of charge.
Thursday 30/7 at 6pm: Special dinner at a restaurant in town. You must be signed up for this. You will receive a registration form by e-mail closer to the event.

Included in the event

  • Morning and afternoon coffee/tea
  • Lunch
  • Social networking dinner (Monday 27/7)

The conference has no participation fee, but QGM is unfortunately not able to offer any financial support apart from the meals mentioned above. 

Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen (QGM, Aarhus University)
Steven Bradlow (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Subhojoy Gupta (Caltech / QGM, Aarhus University)
Niels Leth Gammelgaard (QGM, Aarhus University) 

Confirmed speakers
Dror Bar-Natan (University of Toronto)
Christian Blanchet (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, U. Paris Diderot)
Gaëtan Borot (MPI, Bonn)
Steven Bradlow (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Francesco Costantino (Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier)
Tudor Dimofte (Princeton)
Nathan Dunfield (University of Illinois)
Jürgen Fuchs (Karlstads Universitet)
Stavros Garoufalidis (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Sergei Gukov (Caltech)
Kazuo Habiro (Kyoto University)
Rinat Kashaev (Université de Genève)
Ruth Lawrence (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
Thang Le (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Bruno Martelli (Università di Pisa)
Gregor Masbaum (Paris VI)
Jun Murakami (Waseda University, Tokyo)
Satoshi Nawata (MPIM, Bonn)
Christopher Schommer-Pries (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics)
Christoph Schweigert (Universität de Hamburg)
Roland van der Veen (Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Matematics, Amsterdam)
Tian Yang (Stanford University) 
Christian Zickert (University of Maryland)

Andersen, Jørgen Ellegaard (QGM, Aarhus University)
Andersen, Henning Haahr (QGM, Aarhus University)
Arkhipov, Sergey (Aarhus)
Becker, Christian (Universität Potsdam) 
Benard, Leo (Paris VI)
Bjerre Mette (QGM, Aarhus University)
Bianchi, Andrea (Università di Pisa) 
Boucher, Kevin (Paris VII University)  
Bökstedt, Marcel (Aarhus University)
Chan, Joseph (University of Melbourne)
Dalvit, Esther (INdAM & Univ. Toronto)
Detcherry, Renaud (Paris VI)
De Renzi, Marco (Université Paris 7 Diderot) 
Egsgaard, Jens Kristian (QGM, Aarhus University)
Ens, Travis (University of Toronto) 
Galleas, Wellington (University of Hamburg) 
Hesse, Jan (University of Hamburg)
Huang, Yang (QGM, Aarhus University)
Karvounis, Konstantinos (University of Zürich)  
Kim, Seonhwa (Center for Geometry and Physics, IBS) 
Korinman, Julien (Fourier Institute, Grenoble)
Kulaitis, Gytis (LMU Munich) 
Malusà, Alessandro (QGM, Aarhus University) 
Norbury, Paul (University of Melbourne)
Piguet-Nakazawa, Eiichi (University of Geneva) 
Poulsen, Niccolo (QGM, Aarhus University) 
Priel, Jan (Hamburg University)
Rasmussen, Kenneth (Aarhus)
Rembardo, Gabriele (Paris VI/QGM)
Rosenstein Ori (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Schätz, Florian (QGM, Aarhus University)
Samuelson, Peter (University of Toronto)
Sikander, Shehryar (ICTP, Trieste)
Tadokoro, Yuuki, (Kisarazu National College of Technology)
Tsuji, Shunsuke (The University of Tokyo)  
Vo, Huan (University of Toronto)


Video recordings of the lectures
