Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

QGM seminar by Thomas Bruun Madsen (Buckingham University)

Title: Toric geometry of exceptional holonomy manifolds

2019.08.15 | Jane Jamshidi

Date Thu 22 Aug
Time 10:30 11:30
Location 1531-219 (Aud-D4)


Exceptional holonomy manifolds come with certain geometric data that include a Ricci flat metric. Finding examples is therefore very difficult. The task can be made more tractable by imposing symmetry.  The focus of this talk is the case of torus symmetry. For a particular rank of the torus, one gets a natural parameterisation of the orbit space in terms of so-called multi-moment maps. I will discuss aspects of the local and global geometry of these `toric' exceptional holonomy manifolds.

The talk is based on joint work with Andrew Swann.
