Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

VBAC 2019

GIT, Wall-crossings and Moduli spaces

2018.10.01 | Christine Dilling

The VBAC 2019 venue: Sandbjerg Estate, Sønderborg, Denmark

Date Mon 24 Jun Fri 28 Jun
Time 09:30    15:30
Location Sandbjerg Estate, Sønderborg

Registration (Deadline is Tuesday 23 April 12:00 (noon))

Full board and lodging for all participants at the Sandbjerg Estate is funded by the event. Very limited travel support can be applied for by junior participants.

Notice: We reserve the right to decline registrations due to limited capacity at the venue.

Group photos

Photo "far away"(large png)

Photo "close up" (large png)


About VBAC

The research group VBAC (Vector Bundles on Algebraic Curves) came into existence in 1993 as a subgroup of an EU-funded network. The inaugural workshop was held in Liverpool in April 1994 and was centered around a problem list. "VBAC" has since been held annually at different institutions all over the world (except in 1995/1996). Previous VBAC conferences


Invited speakers

Dylan Allegretti, University of Sheffield  
Dan Halpern-Leistner, Cornell University
Lisa Jeffrey, University of Toronto
Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros, Brunel University London
Frances Kirwan, University of Oxford
Margherita Lelli-Chiesa, University of L'Aquila
Diletta Martinelli, University of Edinburgh/Glasgow
Ana Margarida Melo, Universita Roma Tre
Constantin Teleman, UC Berkeley
Orsola Tommasi, University of Padova
Richard Wentworth, University of Maryland
Carlos Simpson, University of Nice 

There will be contributed talks.

Program - download pdf

The scientific program is expected to start Monday 24 June 9:30 and end Friday 28 June at 12:00.
The arrival day will be Sunday 23 June 2019 during the day/evening (first meal available at the venue will be dinner at 18:00). Friday 28 June is departure day and it is not possible to prolong the stay at Sandbjerg Estate. If you need an extra night according to your itinerary, we can help you book a hotel in Sønderborg or near the airport you will be using the following day (Billund or Copenhagen).  


The construction and study of moduli spaces has been of central importance in algebraic geometry for more than 50 years and can be traced back to the mid 19th century with Riemann´s initial study of the moduli space of curves. A key element in this study was the introduction of geometric invariant theory (GIT) by Mumford in the 1960s, thus introducing the concept of stability and providing a general method for the algebraic geometric construction of moduli spaces. Both GIT and the study of moduli spaces have developed ever since. Moduli spaces depend on choices of ample line bundle and their variation with respect to these choices leads naturally to the idea of wall-crossings, a concept which was developed initially by Kontsevich, and then by the work of many people became a major research area. The three themes of this workshop are thus intimately related and constitute today an extremely active area of research with strong ties to current very active areas of mathematical physics, such as the study of various gauge theories and string theory.

VBAC Committee

Peter Newstead (Chair), Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Usha Bhosle, Steven Bradlow, Leticia Brambila-Paz, Ugo Bruzzo, Carlos Florentino, Oscar Garcia-Prada, Peter Gothen, Georg Hein, Daniel Hernandez Ruiperez, Victoria Hoskins, Alastair King, Herbert Lange, Cristina Lopez Martin, Antony Maciocia, Margarida Melo, Ignasi Mundet i Riera, Andras Szenes, Montserrat Teixidor i Bigas, Andrei Teleman.    


Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, QGM, Aarhus University
Gergely Bérczi, QGM, Aarhus University

Transport to and from Sandbjerg Estate

The venue Sandbjerg Estate is beautifully situated between lake and strait in Southern Jutland.

Via Copenhagen Airport (CPH), 45 minutes flight to Sønderborg airport (SDG)
Alsie Express http://alsieexpress.dk/en/. Take a taxi from the airport to Sandbjerg Estate (12 km from Soenderborg Airport). We urge you to book this flight as soon as possible, as it is a domestic flight route with few seats.

You will need to go by public transport to the nearest town "Sønderborg" and from there take a taxi to the venue (7 km). Sønderborg Taxi tel. +45 7442 1818.

Find the quickest way with the Travel planner: https://www.rejseplanen.dk/  

Via Billund Airport (BLL), approx. 3 hours transport time to Sønderborg.

Via Aarhus Airport (AAR), min. 4 hours transport time to Sønderborg.

Via Hamburg Airport (HAM), min. 4½ hours transport time to Sønderborg

Via Copenhagen Airport (CPH),  approx. 4 hours transport time to Sønderborg (but please note the Alsie Express 45 minutes flight to Sønderborg Airport (SDG) (Alsie Express http://alsieexpress.dk/en/).    



